Rules For a Successful Experience
It is important that you know the rules before taking our classes.
Please confirm that you agree to the rules when you sign up for class.
There are no refunds or make ups for missed classes unless arranged prior to
enrolling in our classes.
Try not to take anything personal. We are here to help and guide you, not harm you and to make your time here a positive, challenging, and inspirational. Please be positive and friendly to everyone in class.
Be professional, your scene partners are relying on you! Don't be noisy or disrupt the other students while they are working. Communication is key and expected from you at all times. If you have any issue or need clarification of any kind it is your responsibility to communicate with the instructor during, after or before class. We will set aside time for you. Your willingness to learn and and out of your comfort zone is key and will be instrumental in your learning.
If your classes are at night, please go out in pairs for safety reasons.
Under no circumstances are weapons of any kind allowed in the studio.
If a fake weapon is to be used in a scene this needs to be cleared prior with the instructor.
You are expected to be on time (every time) and stay until the end of class. Arrive 5-10 minutes before your class begins. If you think you will be late or absent you are expected to let your instructor know via text or voice call. Absences and /or coming in late repeatedly is disturbing to class and unprofessional and may result in you being dropped from the class.
For the safety of other students, please do not come to class if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is sick.
If you suffer from mental illness or addiction, please consult and get approval from a mental health professional before joining this class as it MAY involve exercises and coaching methods that are emotional in nature and could trigger an emotional and or physical response.
We would really appreciate you taking a second to leave a review on Google and Yelp. Your positive reviews helps the studio. And PLEASE give the studio an opportunity to resolve any issue you may have encountered before posting a review. We are committed to you having a positive and worthwhile experience while you study at the studio.
There are NO refunds, exchanges or make-ups for missed classes or sessions unless you have cleared
those days prior with the instructor. All classes, demo reels, private coaching and headshot sessions and touchups must also be paid up front.
Any inappropriate, sexually charged comments, behavior, or unwanted physical contact is strictly prohibited.
Don't be weird.
Yes it matters. You will likely be standing close to each other during scenes. In addition to being
presentable and using deodorant, please do not use strong perfumes or colognes during class. Some students have allergies
My Acting Studio is a safe space. Do NOT come to my acting studio high or otherwise under the influence
of alcohol or any recreational drugs. This applies to teachers as well as students. If you can not do so then we suggest getting help before attending our classes. You will be asked to leave the class if you come in under the influence.
AUDITING (Observing a class)
Message us at myactingstudio@gmail.com if you wish to audit a class.
There will be a short phone call interview before being allow to "audit" or observe a class.
There is a 50 foot rule! Do not use your cell for calls or texting during class. Cellphones are a huge distraction to those trying to learn and perform as well as for yourself. There are breaks where you can call or text. Please go outside and away from doors (that’s the 50 foot part) if you must use your cell.
Arrive early for parking! There is plenty of parking around the studio and no metered parking after 6pm during the week.
Bring your own water. No food is allowed in the theater, you may eat snacks outside during the break if
needed. Try your best not to take a restroom break while actors are working on stage, there are breaks between on stage moments.
All photo and video recorded during class is property of My Acting Studio. If you would like demo reel footage, please look under DEMO REELS and we will schedule it. We may also occasionally record video and photos used for the website and promotion of the studio. If you prefer not to be recorded please let us know prior to class. Thank you!